Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Database with Functional Annotations

Gene cluster information is based on MIBiG Version 4.0 (November 15th, 2024).

About this database (Updated on December 4, 2024)

This database provides plausible functional annotations of the genes in biosynthetic gene clusters based on the sequence similarity with functionally annotated proteins. The amino acid sequence of each gene product registered in the MIBiG (Minimum Information about Biosynthetic Gene) database was subjected to BLAST searches against the PDB and SwissProt sequence database. The results are stored in a relational database together with the functional annotation data provided by UniProt and the reaction data provided by Rhea. The user can search the database by MIBiG accession, protein ID, reaction participant name, or reaction participant substructre. This database helps the user to infer bound ligands and catalyzing reactions of a gene product and to find a gene product that is inferred to catalyze a reaction involving a given compound.

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Data sources


BLAST search results stored in this database can be downloaded in a tab-separated-values (tsv) format.
Developed by Tohru Terada, Ryota Kobayashi,and Suguru Fujita
Computational Biology Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
The University of Tokyo, JAPAN